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Planning Board Minutes 01/07/2010
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
January 7, 2010

Members present:  Thomas Jameson, Richard DeBold, Kevin Mara, Richard Arell, Allen Mayville and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Chairman Jameson opened the meeting at 6:48pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Jameson appointed Mr. Mayville as a voting member to fill an absence.

The minutes of the December 21, 2009 meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Jameson to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Mr. Pike reviewed with the Board the minor dilemma that has occurred with Mr. Moses subdivision.  It was discovered that a portion of the property to be subdivided was located in Pembroke.  Due to this fact, Mr. Moses would have to apply for a Major Subdivision in Pembroke.  Mr. Moses has chosen to apply for a lot-line-adjustment in Pembroke to transfer that portion which lies in Pembroke to the Curleys and make the Town Line the new boundary.  Mr. Moses will also have to apply for a lot-line adjustment in Chichester and then a second Public Hearing will be held to modify his previous Subdivision.  Mr. Moses is scheduled for a hearing in Pembroke on January 26th and is scheduled for Chichester on February 4th.

Mr. Pike shared with the Board that Acorn Creek Properties has yet to submit a revised lighting plan to complete their application.  The applicant claims that they are having difficulties getting a plan from their lighting engineer.  It is the desire of the Board to allow the applicant one more month to submit the required information and ask the Building Inspector to follow up on the stop work order.  It was noted that the lights have remained in operation.

Mr. Pike shared with the Board that he has received a complaint about the new business that is soon to open at Blueberry Plaza.  It has been alleged that the business known as “For Tobacco Use Only” is selling adult novelty type products which would not be allowed under the Sexually Oriented Business ordinance.  Mr. Pike explained that the business does not advertise adult novelties in their print or website ads.  It is of note that the business does restrict entrance to those 18 years and older, but solely due to the nature of the products sold which are tobacco related.

Design Review:  Douglas & Kate Hall, Lot Line Adjustment, Map 4 Lots 60 & 63, Lane Road

Douglas Hall was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

The purpose of the proposal is to transfer .414 acres from lot 60 to lot 63 to increase the buffer from the Hall’s residence.   The lots after adjustment will each have adequate frontage with Lot 60 having 300.96 feet and lot 63 having 396.76 feet.  Each lot will also have the required acreage for a single family dwelling in the Rural-Agricultural zone.

A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Allen Mayville to accept the application as complete.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing:  Douglas & Kate Hall, Lot Line Adjustment, Map 4 Lots 60 & 63, Lane Road

Abutters present:  Leslie and Millie Gabriel.
The abutters had no objection to the proposal.

Being no further discussion or data required, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. DeBold to approve the application as presented.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing;  Zoning Amendment; Wetlands Ordinance

At the start of the discussion, Mr. Hall explained to the Board that there are costs associated with completing a wetlands survey on a parcel of land.

After discussion and amendment to include quantification, the following language shall be scheduled for a second public hearing on January 28th.

Article III: General Provisions
        Section P:  Wetlands and Wetland Buffers
                Subsection 3 (c):  All plats submitted to the Planning Board for approval in accordance with RSA                                        676:4 et. seq., shall delineate and quantify sufficient wetlands to ensure                                      conformance with this ordinance.  Specific wetland soil types are not required                                   on submitted plats.
                Subsection 3 (d):  All plats submitted to the Planning Board for approval in accordance with RSA                                        676:4 et. seq., shall be signed by a New Hampshire certified wetlands scientist.                                        Should no wetlands be present, a letter of documentation shall be submitted to                                   the Planning Board and signed by a New Hampshire certified wetlands scientist.  

Public Hearing:  Zoning Amendment; Workforce Housing Overlay District

The Board collectively provided an overview of Workforce Housing, the enabling statutes and requisite Supreme Court decisions that brought upon the requirement of this ordinance.  There were concerns raised about removing the ZBA from the process of varying lot sizes and other zoning requirements.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Jameson to recommend the amendment as proposed.  Motion passes.

Other Business:

The Board reviewed a draft accessory dwelling unit ordinance.  Many changes were made, and it was also noted that some other definitions would also need to be changed to accommodate this ordinance.  A draft will be prepared and a Public Hearing on the amendment has been scheduled for January 28th.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Mara to adjourn the meeting at 9:05pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 Approved as amended.

Jamie A Pike                                                            Thomas Jameson, Chairman